Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Thanks for stopping by!
Hope to see you there, and God bless you!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Step Aside
Look out for number one. Do whatever it takes. Survival of the fittest. It’s a dog-eat-dog world. These words, these thoughts have been swirling around in the mind of man since the beginning of time. It is part of our nature to want to excel, to be on top, to be the best. By asking his Philippian readers to “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,” by asking them to “consider others better than yourselves,” he might as well have asked a leopard to take off his spots!
Yet, that is exactly what we are supposed to do. God wants us to take off our selfish, human nature and put on the mind of Christ. He wants us to be more concerned with the good of all than with the good of ourselves. And he wants us to love others enough to let them take the good seats, or let them have the largest piece of fried chicken, or stand in the shadows while they take the spotlight.
This doesn’t mean we should put ourselves down, or hide our talents from others. Rather, we should view our talents as services we provide to others, for the benefit of all and the glory of God. In The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis demonstrated that true humility is apparent when a man designs a beautiful cathedral - the most beautiful in the world - and knows it - and yet, would have been just as delighted if another had designed it. True humility seeks to serve, while selfish ambition seeks to be recognized.
It is interesting that the word strive, to compete, comes from the same root as the word strife, which means bitter conflict or rivalry. Much (if not all) of the strife that happens in our lives stems from our desire to compete, to be number one, to be the most important. When we lay aside our competitive natures, when we gladly step back and allow others to go ahead of us, we begin to understand the mind of Christ. Then, and only then, will we begin to experience the true joy that He has in store for those who long to be like Him.
Dear Father, Please forgive me for my selfish, self-centered ambition. Help me to grasp the concept of true humility, as I seek to serve You and others.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Morning Coffee is Moving!
The Important Stuff
Being like-minded. What exactly does that mean? Does it mean we have to agree on everything? If so, then we will have a hard time finding any two people, much less any group of people, who are like-minded.
Paul was probably addressing the issue of a petty dispute which had arisen between two women in the Philippian church - Euodia and Synteche (Phil. 4:2). He never mentions the reason for the dispute, possibly because it wasn’t important. Instead, he wanted his readers to focus on the important issues of Christianity.
Many of you reading this are Christians. And as Christians, we have a fellowship, a unity with one another because we are joined in Christ. Yet, some of you are Baptist, some Lutheran, some Methodist, some Church of Christ, some Pentecostal, some Catholic, some charismatic . . .
As Christians, we don’t always agree on everything, do we? Yet, we are still in fellowship with one another. We are still united in our belief that Jesus is the one and only Son of God, and that He died on the cross in our place, to take the punishment for our sin. He rose again on the third day, and was victorious over death! It is only because He paid a price that we could never pay ourselves that we can have a relationship with God, and can spend eternity with Him in heaven.
Because we believe those things, we are like-minded, and we have fellowship with one another. We don’t have to agree on everything - just the important stuff. And disagreement doesn’t have to mean division! We can choose to disagree on minor issues, as long as we do so in a Christ-like way. We are already united in Christ. No matter what, for all of eternity, we are brothers and sisters. Now, we must act in unity, and treat one another with the same love, compassion, tenderness, encouragement and comfort that Christ has shown each of us.
Dear Father, Thank you for generously giving me your love, compassion, comfort, tenderness, and encouragement. Please help me to show that same generosity to other people. Please help me not to focus on silly, petty things, but instead, help me to concentrate on sharing Your love with the world.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Morning Coffee is Moving!
True Grit
Paul had suffered for Christ, and he knew that other Christians would suffer as well. He wanted the readers of his letter to hold firm to their faith in the midst of hardship, just as he had. Paul counted it a privilege to endure persecution because of his belief in Christ. He knew that, although the suffering itself was not fun, it would bring beneficial results. Indeed, during those early days of discrimination and harassment, the more the Christians were persecuted for their faith, the more people seemed to rally ’round their cause! Instead of eliminating Christianity, the persecution actually helped Christianity to spread.
Just yesterday, I spoke with my dear friend about suffering. She was saddened by the illness of a loved one, and questioned, “Why do people need to suffer so? Why can’t God just stop the bad things in this world?”
You and I both know that God can put a stop to our suffering. But He doesn’t always choose to. He doesn’t cause the bad things in our lives, but He sometimes allows them, for He is more concerned with our souls than our circumstances.
I speak from experience: I have suffered. It was not fun. I would not have chosen to go through a decade of infertility. I would not have chosen to have a miscarriage at 14 weeks pregnancy. I would not have chosen to see my husband through an unknown, difficult illness. I would not have chosen many of the other circumstances in which my family and I have found ourselves.
But may I be honest with you? I am a better, stronger, wiser person because of those difficult things. God has taken me from weak to strong, from naiive to wise, from self-centered to God-centered. And though I still have many miles to travel before I become exactly who He created me to be, I am a lot closer to the mark now than I would be if I hadn’t been through the fire.
Just as an athlete must suffer if he wants to increase his strength and skill, we Christians must sometimes suffer if we want to grow in our faith. Are you suffering? If you are, I am so sorry. I truly am. But hold on, my friend! For if you have grit enough to endure the fire, the results will be beautiful!
Philippians 1:6 “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Dear Father, I don’t like to suffer. During the difficulties of my life, please help me to cling to You. And please use my circumstances to make me into the person You created me to be.
Friday, September 28, 2007
United We Stand
Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel. Stand firm in one spirit. Contend as one man. Paul knew that his coming trial would be stressful for all believers. And stress, unfortunately, causes us all to act in ways that we shouldn't. It causes us to be rude, to argue, to fight . . . Paul wanted to warn them of the damage they could do not only to themselves, but to the future of the church if they allowed dissension to creep into their fellowship.
He wanted them to show love to the people who hated them, who hated Paul, and who hated Christ. He also wanted them to show love to each other. He wanted them to stand united, and to act as one man. His warning was important for them, and it is important to us today.
John 13:35 tells us "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." All too often, when the world looks at the church, they see fighting. Arguing. Petty disputes. No wonder they don't want to be a part of Christianity! They see people who claim one way of life, but live another. The only way that the world will know we are different, that we are Christians, is if we stand united, acting as one man, and acting in a manner worthy of the gospel!
It is my belief that Satan does not, will not destroy most of our churches from the outside. When a local body of believers crumbles, it is almost always an inside job! Christians fail to love each other. We fail to stand united, following God and following the leaders God has placed over us. We gossip and slander, we fight and argue. And instead of a fortress, we become a crumbling pile of pebbles.
But when we act like Christians should act, loving one another, standing together for Christ, we become a citadel which cannot be destroyed. Let us paste Paul's words on our hearts: Whatever happens (car trouble, disagreements, bad moods) conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Stand firm in one spirit (even when I don't get my way). Contend as one man for the faith (even when I want to do things differently than my leader chooses).
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Bridge
Paul's great desire, his great joy was to serve Christ and to fulfill his mission of building the church. He knew that his death would bring great discouragement among the early Christians, and would cause a major setback in the faith of many believers. He also knew that his acquittal and release would strengthen their faith, for they would know that God alone was behind such a victory.
Paul knew that he would die. Eventually. But something in his spirit told him that God still had work for him to do. Intuitively, he knew that his trial would be successful, and that he would be set free.
This great hero of faith was devoted to Christ. He told us so in verse 21, when he said, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Christ was his reason for life and for death! For all Christians, Jesus Christ is the bridge between life and death. While we are here - Christ. When we die - Christ. Without Christ, we simply have the sentence, "For me, to live is . . . to die." We will all die. But because we have Christ, we have a reason, a purpose for both life and death.
Do you have that purpose, my friend? Are you joyful to go on living, so that you can do the work which God has placed before you? Are you joyful in knowing that death brings with it an eternity with the One you love? Or do you just live, knowing that you will one day die?
God wants, more than anything, to give you the purpose and joy that you desire. Ask Him for it, by believing in His Son, Jesus Christ. Then, you will no longer live to die. You will live with purpose, and you will die with joyful expectancy.
Dear Father, Thank you for the purpose that comes with knowing You.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Morning Coffee is Moving!
A Purpose-Driven Life
Paul had a clearly defined goal and purpose for living. He had a mission. And because of that mission, he wanted to keep living, in spite of the fact that being with Christ would be better by far! His goal was to share the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone. Period.
Far too many of us seem to drift through this life without a clearly defined reason for living. We have fuzzy ambitions, hazy aspirations. Yet, each of us needs a purpose, or we will feel useless and unappreciated. Without a clear cause, without a definite motivation for life, we can become depressed and disheartened.
I am convinced that we each need a mission statement. Whether we write it out or simply paste it onto our mental files, we need to establish our main purposes for living. Then, from time to time, we can evaluate our lives, and see how we are coming along. Paul knew that his mission was still in the process of being accomplished, and it gave him a reason to keep going. What is your mission? Are you headed in the right direction? If not, what do you need to do to change directions?
Dear Father, Thank you for placing in me the desire for a purpose. Please let my goals and ambitions honor You, and help me to accomplish them.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Morning Coffee is Moving!
No Matter What
Paul’s brave proclamation, given in the next verse (v. 21) gives us reason to believe that this great hero of faith was fearless, unmovable in his convictions. But this verse shows us that Paul was human. He had fears and doubts, just like the rest of us.
Listen to him. I sure hope I won’t get cold feet. I hope I won’t have a reason to be ashamed of myself. I hope Christ won’t be ashamed of me! I must be brave . . . I know I can be brave! His words above seem, to me, to be a self-directed pep talk. He wants Christ to be exalted in his life, and in his death. But he knows that things could get pretty scary for him at his trial.
This example teaches me that faith is hard sometimes! If it were easy, then we would have many, many more committed Christians in this world. There is no shame in feeling afraid, or in having doubts. The shame comes only when, in our fear and doubt, we turn away from God instead of to Him. It is my prayer that, like Paul, I will square my shoulders, lift my chin, and proceed into an uncertain future with determination to serve my Savior no matter what.
Dear Father, I admit that sometimes I feel afraid. Sometimes, my faith gets shaken. Please help me, during those times, to cling to You.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Morning Coffee is Moving!
By Life or By Death
Wow. Paul's bold proclamation leaves me . . . speechless. He was imprisoned, and was awaiting trial. He knew that one of two things would happen: he would be set free, or he would be executed. I can't even begin to imagine the tense emotions that may have been swirling around in his mind. And yet, he was able to find good in either outcome! If he lived, he would get to continue pursuing his passionate goal of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. If he died, he would be with Christ, face to face.
We can learn from Paul. All too often, we view imminent death as scary or sad. But for the Christian, death is a step up from this life! Then again, sometimes we get depressed or frustrated, and we wish we could just "go home." But this life is filled with opportunities to serve Christ, who loves us so much that He gave His life for us! Like Paul, each and every day of our lives should be lived as a joyful thank you to the One who gave us life. And like Paul, death, in its proper time, should be viewed as an exciting prospect to see that very One for all of eternity!
Paul's valiant statement gives me reason to pause. If I had to fill in the blanks, "For me, to live is ___________ and to die is ____________," what would go there? Is Christ my life? Or is it my family, or writing, or music? What about death? If faced with losing my life, would I feel regret or excitement? Probably both. But it is my prayer that like Paul, Christ will be my life, and spending eternity with Him will be my greatest dream come true.
Dear Father, Thank You for Paul's brave example of faith and commitment. Help me to model my faith after his.
Morning Coffee is Moving!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
When Bad People Do Good Things
Politics, politics. Even in the time of the early church, there was envy and rivalry. Even then, there were people who did the right things with the wrong motives. Paul was a much better person than I am, for if I were sitting in prison, and others were taking advantage of my bondage to further their own causes, I'd be pretty steamed. But Paul was able to look past their motives and appreciate all that was being accomplished to further the gospel!
Sometimes I have to remind myself that God, and God alone, will judge each person's heart. He will hold each of us accountable not only for our actions, but for the reasons behind those actions. It is not my place to judge anyone. I am learning (though it is hard sometimes) to deal gently with people. I'm learning to give others the benefit of the doubt, and to appreciate their good qualities without scrutinizing their bad ones.
So, when someone (who happens to be running for public office) makes a very public, very generous donation to the church van fund, we can praise God for the donation! When those around us seem to be insincere in their concern for this cause or that, we must remind ourselves that God will use even wrong motives to accomplish great things. Most importantly, we must examine our own lives, and seek to remove any impurities which may lurk there, for God most certainly sees what others do not. And though He may use our insincere motives, His desire is to create in us clean hearts, pure aspirations, and beautiful spirits.
Dear Father, Thank You for using me in spite of myself. I know that I am sinful. Please help me not to judge others, but instead, help me to be thankful for the unique contributions each person makes.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Making Lemonade
Now, this is what I call taking lemons and making lemonade! Paul was in a really rotten situation, and yet he chose to focus on the good that was coming out of it! While being guarded, he seized the opportunity to share Christ with the Roman guards, and apparantly many of them were sympathetic with Paul's cause. And, he recognized that because of the injustice he was suffering, more and more Christians were speaking out.
Like Paul, many of us are going through difficult times. Many of us are experiencing injustice of one kind or another. And yet, we can choose to remain positive, knowing that God will bring good out of our hardship! When we go through difficulties, we can be certain that others are watching us. When we handle our situations with grace and poise, when we face hardship with calm expressions on our f aces, we encourage others! As they watch the peace that rules our hearts in spite of bad circumstances, they will be drawn to the source of that peace.
What are your chains today, my friend? Are you experiencing sickness? Stressful job situation? Financial burden? Though the place you are in may not bring you happiness, God wants to give you joy. Though your situation may not be tranquil, God wants you to know Him as the source of peace. And if you let Him, He will bring something wonderful out of rotten conditions. Depend on Him, and like Paul, you can face each day with confidence, knowing that He will bring you through to the other side with something good.
Dear Father, Please help me to handle difficult situations with grace, peace, and faith in Your goodness.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Fruit Salad
My husband is quite the chef. It is a little known fact that he loves to cook, and while he usually enjoys the manly art of grilling, he has coined quite a delicious recipe for fruit salad. In this salad, he blends just the right mixture of tropical and domestic fruits with just the right amount of sugar, and the results are amazing!
In this passage, Paul refers to the fruit of righteousness. This fruit comes only through a right relationship with Jesus Christ, and brings to our lives a delicious mixture of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control. The more we grow in our relationship to God, the more these fruits will be evident in our lives.
But, just as with any fruit tree, fruit will not grow in our lives without some rain, without some heat, without some pressure. Sometimes, we may feel we are drowning, but during those times God is really just providing nourishment to our roots. At times, we may feel we just can't take any more of the heat, but God is simply allowing "Vitamin D" to penetrate our spirits. And when the pressures of this life seem to be closing in, we can know with certainty that, if we let Him, God will use that to produce beautiful, delicious, lasting fruit in our lives. And when others see that fruit, and taste of its goodness, they will be drawn to the One who put it there.
Dear Father, Thank You for the nourishment You provide so that I can grow to be more like You. Please let others see Your fruit in my life, so that they will be drawn to You.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
This is My Prayer
Paul knew the Christians in the Philippian church faced many decisions. He knew that being a Christian during that time was not easy, and that they may suffer repercussions for befriending Paul. Although they were already a loving group of people, he wanted them to have discernment, or keen and sensitive judgment, as they made decisions each day. He prayed for them, and reminded them that their goal was to remain pure and blameless.
Just a few verses earlier, Paul reminded the Philippians that "He who began a good work in you will continue it until the day of Christ Jesus." So, if God is bound and determined to have His way in us, why bother praying at all? Why bother to seek, to grow, to learn? Certainly, it is a part of God's great work in us to develop a desire for Him. The more we desire Him, the more He will work in our lives. And the more He works in our lives, the more we will desire Him, and the cycle goes on and on and on.
As we desire God, we will remain pure and blameless. The way for us to remain pure and blameless today is to grow in our knowledge and discernment of God. The way for our love to abound, to overflow, is to grow in our knowledge and discernment of God. And the way to grow in our knowledge and discernment of God is to remain pure and blameless, and to let His love abound. So you see, it all depends on us. And it all depends on God. We cannot grow in Him without His divine hand in our lives. But He will bless our desire to grow, by showing up and causing that growth!
Dear Father, This is my prayer: that my love will abound more and more in knowledge and insight, so that I may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
That Your Love May Abound . . .
Paul knew the Philippian church to be a group of loving, devoted people. But in the Christian life, there is always room for growth! Paul had much time on his hands while in prison, and he spent much of that time in prayer. He prayed that his friends would grow in their knowledge and insight of the Christian life.
The goal of the Christian is to become like Christ. And that goal will never be completely met until we get to heaven! But as we journey through this life, we should seek to grow in our knowledge of God’s Word. We should seek to grow in our understanding and insight.
God is love. As our knowledge of Him increases, our ability to love will increase. The more we spend time with Him, talk to Him, and study His Word, the more we will see others with His vision. And when that happens, our love for others will abound, as He transforms our flawed spirits into a perfect replica of Himself.
We need to seek this kind of growth in our own lives. And, like Paul, we need to be diligent to pray for our Christian brothers and sisters. For the more we all grow in our knowledge and insight of our Lord, the more His work will be accomplished here on earth!
Dear Father, Please help me to grow more and more like You each day. I want Your love to abound in my life. Please be with ______________________________ as he/she grows in You.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Old Friends
Have you ever had to move, and leave good friends behind? Have you ever had a dear friend move away? I have dear friends spread from California to New York, and in many states between! I have a missionary friend in Canada. I have friends in the military, and they are spread all over the globe. Sometimes, I long for their company, and I wish they could all just move to Texas, so I could see them!
As Christians, it is good and right for us to develop strong bonds of friendship. We are family, really, for we share the same Father. It is important for us to take the time needed to build and nurture Christian friends. And it is important for us not to forget those friends, even when we don’t see them often. As we long for old friends, we can take comfort in knowing that we will see them again, if we share a bond in Jesus Christ. We will one day have all of eternity to celebrate together, in the presence of our Father and our Dear Brother! Until then, we need to put forth the effort to remember one another, pray for one another, and encourage one another as we look forward to that glorious day of our reunion.
Dear Father, Thank You for blessing me with friends. Help me to take responsibility for keeping those friendships strong.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Master Builder
Do you ever get impatient? I know I do. I get really impatient with God sometimes, just wanting Him to go ahead and do whatever it is He is doing in my life! And I get impatient with myself, because it seems I will never be the person that God wants me to be. But God has all the time in the world. He is in no hurry. Rather than just slapping together a sub-standard version of our souls, He likes to take his time, sculpting us into a beautiful masterpiece.
And He is not a quitter, either. He began His work in us on the day of our conception! From the moment we had life, He began drawing us to Himself, longing for us to someday choose to have a relationship with Him. And for those of us who have accepted His Son as our Savior, He has been whittling away at our souls from the moment of our salvation. He is molding, sculpting, whittling, . . . discarding the needless, ugly, useless parts, leaving behind only what is lovely and true and perfect. And He is taking His time doing it, because He already knows the finished product, which will be complete on the day our Lord returns!
My friends, God is the master architect, and He holds the blueprints of our lives. Trust Him. He will not leave His work undone. Let Him have His way, and the final results will be stunningly, breathtakingly beautiful.
Dear Father,
I know that You are always working to make me more like You. Thank You for not giving up on me.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Christians in the Philippian church were valuable partners in Paul’s ministry. They loved him, supported him, saw that his physical needs were met. They teamed together with Paul, and stood ready to do whatever was needed to assist him in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.
Now, a couple of thousand years later, we are still a team. Each of us has different gifts, talents, strengths and contributions. And with any team, victory or defeat does not depend on one member. It depends on the ability of all members to work together.
We can’t all go overseas and live in huts, sharing the gospel with people who have never heard of the Bible. But we can pray. We can’t all spend years in seminary, and hours each week preparing sermons to deliver on Sunday. But we can give a portion of our income to support the church.
All too often, we focus on what we can’t do. Instead, we should focus on what we can do. And we should pour our time and energy into developing and using whatever unique gifts God has given to each of us, for His glory! Do you love children? Volunteer at a local school, and change a child’s life! Are you a great cook? Keep some pies frozen to deliver to people who are ill, or who have lost a loved one. Are you a whiz on the computer? Offer to help out in the church office, or at a local charity. Together, we can change the world with God’s great grace, mercy, and love.
Dear Father, Thank You for creating me with a unique personality and unique talents. Help me use my life to share Your love.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Remember This
What a great example Paul set for his dear readers! He was in prison. Things couldn’t get much worse. There was not much Paul could give thanks for in his current circumstance. So, he looked inside, and pulled out good memories! He remembered people he loved, and he thanked God.
How many times do we get so caught up in our current bad situations that we forget how good God has been? Our Heavenly Father has shown His love to us in countless ways, and has given us the ability to remember all the wonderful things He has done for us! He has given us food and shelter. He has surrounded us with people to love. And, no matter how bad things get, most of us can pull up at least one good, positive, praiseworthy memory.
When we find ourselves in circumstances beyond our control, circumstances which make us angry or break our hearts, we should follow Paul’s example. We should think of something that makes us smile, something for which we are thankful. And we should give thanks to God for His eternal goodness.
Dear Father,
Thank You for all of the good things You have given me in my lifetime. Please help me to remember those things when my circumstances are difficult.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Look Up!
Paul wrote this letter from prison. The church at Philippi had shown great support and love to him, and he wanted to thank them. In the midst of what must have been very difficult circumstances, Paul took the time to write a joyful, kind, loving letter to his friends. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, he focused on his dear readers, wishing them grace and peace.
Sometimes, life is hard. Really hard. During those times, we often are so frustrated with our circumstances that we focus only on ourselves. And in focusing on ourselves and our rotten circumstances, we see only gloom and doom. By keeping our chins to our chests and looking only at our problems, we actually make our situations seem worse!
We can learn an important lesson from Paul. Look up! Look at God, and at those He has placed around you! Take the time to love them, to help them, to thank them for kindness shown. By taking our eyes off of our own darkness, we widen our vision to take in some light!
Paul was able to wish his readers grace, because he had experienced the grace that only God gives. He was able to wish them peace, because he had unlocked the secret to peace in his own life. He set his attention on God, and on others, and he barely had time to remember how bad things were. And those bad things seemed not quite so bad, as he remembered and shared God’s blessings.
Dear Father, Thank You for Your grace and peace. Please help me not to get so wrapped up in my own problems that I forget to be a blessing to others. I love You.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
American Idol
American Idol is one of biggest pop-culture shows of our time. One of the stars created through that show is the singer, Clay Aiken. He had tremendous talent, but then, so did everyone else who made it to the finals of that show. Clay was cute, but gangly, and a little nerdy. (Sorry, Clay! But you were.) While we all loved this nerdy guy, he needed some work. And one of his harshest critics during the show was - you guessed it - Simon!
While many of the contestants left the stage in anger or tears after Simon's harsh words, Clay seemed to lean forward, eagerly drinking in every mean, nasty word! And the next week, while many contestants continued making the same mistakes, Clay would have fixed whatever problem Simon had addressed! Clay used Simon's criticism to his advantage. He was wise. He made it to the top two in that show, and is now a huge pop star!
One of the main differences between a wise, righteous person and a foolish, wicked person is his/her ability to accept instruction and correction. None of us is perfect - not a single one of us. We all have times when we need to be rebuked, or corrected. The foolish person will take correction, scoff at it, and hate the one who delivered it. The wise person, on the other hand, will take the correction, examine it, apply it to his/her life, and will appreciate the one who delivered it. Even if the rebuke was given harshly, and was intended to bring hurt, the wise man will use it to his advantage, and will grow to be a better person because of it.
Dear Father, Please give me a teachable spirit. When correction or rebuke comes my way, please help me to be wise, and use it to become more of the person You want me to be.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The Prayers of the Righteous
Just think of the difference we would see in our lives, in each others lives, if we would PRAY! If we could only, would only, share our struggles with each other, knowing those struggles would not be the object of gossip, but rather the object of prayer, what victory we would experience! For God really does answer prayer, especially the prayers of those who love Him, who have faith in Him, who obey Him, who want to please Him. Our prayers are important to God.
When we approach God through prayer, we access the power that is only available through Him. When we pray, we see results. Let us challenge one another to use this powerful and effective tool each day. Then, we can praise God together as we watch Him work!
Dear Father, I love You, and I want to be righteous. Please remind me to come to You with every problem, every need. Remind me to pray for other people, and not just myself. Thank you for the powerful results that I know will come because of my prayers.
Many heroes of the faith endured great suffering and persecution, and yet they persevered. James gives the example of Job, but we can also look to Moses, Elijah, Joseph, and others. Job suffered more than most of us will ever have to, and yet he remained steadfast in his belief in God. Sure, he questioned God, but he always returned to his faith, knowing that no matter how bad things were, loving God was still better than not loving God.
James reminds us of the end of Job's story. God rewarded Job for his faithfulness, and blessed him beyond measure. In the same way, we can be certain that God holds amazing, immeasurable blessings in store for those who love him, who persevere, who do not give up their faith. God loves us more than we will ever understand. Even when things are difficult, we can rest in the knowledge of that love.
Dear Father, Thank You for loving me. Please help me to hold onto You when things are difficult.
Standing at the Door
In James 1:13, James warned against blaming God for our failures. Here, he warns us against blaming other people. When things go wrong, we tend to grumble against each other. Grumbling stems from our pride; we think we are better than those around us, and so we criticize them. We judge them.
God is the only One who has the right to sit in the Judge's seat. And He has chosen to show us mercy. Our Almighty God has every right to grumble against us! But instead, He shows gentle love and patience. When we goof up, He forgives us, picks us up, and sets us on the right path. Shouldn't we show the same kind of love, patience and mercy toward our Christian brothers and sisters? God tells us that we should. In fact, He demands it! And since He hears every word that comes out of our mouths, we had better guard our tongues!
Dear Father, Please forgive me for failing to show the kind of mercy to others that You have shown to me. Help me to be patient with those around me.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Be Ready!
The farmer works hard, tilling the land and planting seed. At the end of the day, there is no crop to harvest. Week after week he works, keeping careful watch over his fields, protecting it from insects and disease, making sure it has enough water and nutrition. Still, there is no crop to harvest. Why does he work day after day, for months on end, without seeing the results of his labor? It is because he knows there will be a crop. He has faith that the crop will ripen and mature, and he works to be ready.
In the same way, we can be sure that Jesus is coming again. In the meantime, there is much work to do. We need to live out our faith by daily obeying God, loving others, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Be patient, knowing He will come when the time is right. Don't be caught off guard! Work daily to prepare for that glorious day of His returning.
Dear Father, Thank You for always keeping Your promises. I know that Your son, Jesus, will return again one day. Help me to stand firm in my faith, and to be ready for that day.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Near to God
God created us because He wants to be near us. He wants to spend time with us. He wants to be intimately involved in our lives. But He is a gentleman, and will not push Himself on anyone! If we come to Him, He will run to us! If we seek Him, He will wrap His arms around us!
He has shown His love for us in countless ways. He has created beautiful landscapes for our enjoyment. He has sent us bouquets of flowers in the spring, breathtaking snow in the winter. He has given us air to breathe, food to eat, clothing, shelter. He has surrounded us with people to love. Most importantly, He sent His Son to take the punishment for our sins.
Now, the ball is in our court. He has shown His love, and He wants us to reciprocate. He wants us to draw near to Him. When we take that step, He will open His heart and draw near to us in ways beyond comprehension.
Dear Father, I want to be near You at all times! Thank you for loving me so much.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Just Do It!
I heard a great sermon the other day. It was called, "Marshmallow Christians." In it, the Word of God was described as being a sweet, yummy treat. But if all we do is hear it, and don't do what it says, we might as well be eating marshmallows! Marshmallows are sweet, but they have absolutely no nutritional value. And if our diet consists only of marshmallows, we will eventually turn into one! Marshmallows alone will not give us the strength or nutrition we need to live a healthy life.
God's word is sweet. But if we do what it says, it turns into spiritual protein! We can actually build our spiritual muscles by living a life of obedience to God! It is wonderful to spend time reading God's Word and listening to sermons. But if you really, really want to experience God's blessings in your life, then do what it says!
Dear Father, Thank you for making your written Word available to me. As I study it, help me to put the things I learn into practice.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Treasures in Clay Jars
2 Corinthians 4:7-8 says, "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."
I have some clay pots on my front porch. I know for a fact that if I strike one of them down on the ground, it will be destroyed. If I press on it really hard, it will break. We are like those pots - flawed and weak. But our strength need not come from ourselves! If we have God himself living in us, we are not crushed, we are not left in despair, we will not be destroyed, and He will never, ever abandon us! Without Him, our strengths and abilities are limited at best. But with Him, there are no limits!
Dear Father, help me to stop relying on my own strength for success in this life. Help me to just relax, and rest in the knowledge of the priceless, limitless power contained within me - your Son, Jesus Christ.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Do Not Fear
But did you know that God's word tells us we don't have to be afraid about anything? God will help us! Isaiah 41:13 says, "For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear; I will help you.' " To me, that paints such a beautiful picture. Like a parent with His child, He will take hold of my right hand. He hushes away my fear, and tells me He is there for me, and that He will help me.
What scary things are you facing today? Reach up your hand, my friend, and let God take hold of it. Do not be afraid of any giant you may meet, for the God of the universe will help you.
I Can Do
So, what exactly does that mean? It means that:
1. I can parent my children, and love them, and bring them up to be wise and wonderful followers of Jesus Christ.
2. I can keep my house clean. (Maybe not perfect, but I can keep it under control.)
3. I can lose that exra fifteen pounds.
4. I can exercise for 30 minutes every day.
5. I can drink more water.
6. I can reach out to my neighbors, show them love and friendship, invite them to church, tell them about Jesus.
7. I can build my husband up, and never tear him down.
I can do all of these things, and more, through Christ, who gives me strength!
May God bless you today and every day!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The Best Advice My Mother Ever Gave Me.
Now, that may sound odd to you. Why would a teacher need to stay out of the teacher's lounge? But my mother, the wise school secretary, knew something that a new teacher would not know.
She was not telling me to stay away from the coffee pot. She was not telling me to avoid the copy machines. She was telling me that hanging out in the teacher's lounge can be hazardous to one's health, and to one's career. My mother explained to me about the "Lounge Lizards." The people who have nothing better to do with their time than sit around the lounge, criticizing and gossiping about everyone from the parents to other teachers to the principal! And yes, sometimes even the students were victims. She was simply telling me to stay away from those people.
I taught public school for seven years. Now, I have been a stay-at-home mom for ten years. I have learned through experience that the Lounge Lizards don't exist only in the teacher's lounge. They are everywhere! They are at the ball park, in the grocery store, they clog up the phone lines, and yes! They are even regulars at church.
Ephesians 4:29 tells us, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up." Do you know any lounge lizards? Is it possible that you have become one? I encourage you today to edit your speech. Let the words that spill out of your mouth be a blessing to everyone concerned - the listener, the person being talked about, and to you.
May God bless your speech today, as you bless others!
My First Blog!
So we begin. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, oh Lord.