Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Near to God

James 4:8 "Come near to God and He will come near to you . . ."

God created us because He wants to be near us. He wants to spend time with us. He wants to be intimately involved in our lives. But He is a gentleman, and will not push Himself on anyone! If we come to Him, He will run to us! If we seek Him, He will wrap His arms around us!

He has shown His love for us in countless ways. He has created beautiful landscapes for our enjoyment. He has sent us bouquets of flowers in the spring, breathtaking snow in the winter. He has given us air to breathe, food to eat, clothing, shelter. He has surrounded us with people to love. Most importantly, He sent His Son to take the punishment for our sins.

Now, the ball is in our court. He has shown His love, and He wants us to reciprocate. He wants us to draw near to Him. When we take that step, He will open His heart and draw near to us in ways beyond comprehension.

Dear Father, I want to be near You at all times! Thank you for loving me so much.



Anonymous said...

This is so awesome. I learn. I learn. Run devil run. I will draw close to God. Mom

Anonymous said...

keep pouring renae