Saturday, September 15, 2007


Philippians 1:4 – 5 “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”

The Christians in the Philippian church were valuable partners in Paul’s ministry. They loved him, supported him, saw that his physical needs were met. They teamed together with Paul, and stood ready to do whatever was needed to assist him in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

Now, a couple of thousand years later, we are still a team. Each of us has different gifts, talents, strengths and contributions. And with any team, victory or defeat does not depend on one member. It depends on the ability of all members to work together.

We can’t all go overseas and live in huts, sharing the gospel with people who have never heard of the Bible. But we can pray. We can’t all spend years in seminary, and hours each week preparing sermons to deliver on Sunday. But we can give a portion of our income to support the church.

All too often, we focus on what we can’t do. Instead, we should focus on what we can do. And we should pour our time and energy into developing and using whatever unique gifts God has given to each of us, for His glory! Do you love children? Volunteer at a local school, and change a child’s life! Are you a great cook? Keep some pies frozen to deliver to people who are ill, or who have lost a loved one. Are you a whiz on the computer? Offer to help out in the church office, or at a local charity. Together, we can change the world with God’s great grace, mercy, and love.

Dear Father, Thank You for creating me with a unique personality and unique talents. Help me use my life to share Your love.


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